Tiny Shorts - Ab Smasher

Good morning everyone! I got up super early today to get my workout in as I probably won't have time to workout this afternoon!! So her...

Good morning everyone! I got up super early today to get my workout in as I probably won't have time to workout this afternoon!! So here it is, I focused on arms because it's my weakest part and abs too. This workout totally torn my ab muscles!!  I even wear a short which is barely possible in real life but I felt totally comfy with my image today ☺ !

I am also giving Yoga much more time, yet I don't take any course so I play around doing headstands and variations. It really works the core and glutes because you need to squeeze to stay straight without any wall!
I'm taking any advice or exercises that could improve my Yoga level! 

Have an amazing monday and don't forget, life is what you make of it ♥ ♥ ♥

Love , xx

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