What a day it was yesterday !  Completely tiring !  Trained biceps and shoulders like I've never done before a...

What a day it was yesterday !  Completely tiring !  Trained biceps and shoulders like I've never done before and felt SO strong ❤ Gotta love this feeling right ? Then head to work like usual and left early because of a mean migraine that left me lying on the sofa for several hours. When I started to get better, my man, his cousin and me went to refeed ourselves with 300+ grams of meat !  I chose chicken and hardly finished my plate... Anyway, it was big and healthy and that's what I needed !! 

//Quelle journée hier !  Complètement crevante !  Entrainement biceps et épaules le matin à fond comme jamais et je me suis sentie TROP forte ❤ Quel sentiment agreable, hein ? Puis au travail pour une journée normale mais je suis partie tôt car ça finie en grosse migraine qui m'a forcé à me reposer quelques heures. Quqnd ca a été mieux, mon homme son cousin et moi sommes allés dans un restaurant qui fait des plats de plus de 300gr de viande !  J'ai choisi poulet

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