Today's Workout

Sweatdrops are the ultimate sign of a good cardio session Today I've left my phone at my boyfriend's house in the morning so I d...

Sweatdrops are the ultimate sign of a good cardio session
Today I've left my phone at my boyfriend's house in the morning so I don't have snapchat pics to show as I usually do. I put a hoodie on for my cardio and man, I was wet and the sweat was intense.
My workout went as following:

○ Moutain climbers w/ towels: 30reps/6sets
○ Straight-arm Plank w/ shoulder touch: 20reps/5sets
○ Superset Plank Variation 1(4 KG) // Push-ups: 10reps each/ 3sets
○ Shoulder lateral raise 6KG 12reps/5sets
○ Biceps curls 6KG 12reps/5sets
○ Triceps dips 15rep/4sets

○ 30 minutes biking

Have a nice wednesday everyone!! the week is almost over so go HARD 'til friday!

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