Gym Food: Worth The Hype? #1
5/21/2015 08:17:00 pm
So I've missed quite some posts because I had a lot of work going on !! I've decided to do another series like a did not along ago (fruit smoothies) but here I want to try those so-called energy boosters and protein bars.
Are they worth the hype? And, more important, are they worth the price? I've started to try a few of them. All the items displayed in the upcoming posts labelled "Gym Food" come from Decathlon (I know this gym store is also present in Spain and the UK). Please forgive me for the bad pictures but I forgot my camera and I don't have propoer pictures to show yet I really wanted to write this post!

So the very first I want to talk about is the HighProtein Weider bar. It's so beyond all the Quest bars! This is a 100 gr bar with 42 gr of protein, quality carbs, sodium (to cope with the sodium you lost while sweating) and amino acids. The price is 4€ here if I remember well, which is alittle expensive if you want to have it daily, but is really ok if you have it now and then. I love to have is as a cheat! Big, generous and healthy!
This bar is also perfect for people wanting to gain mass.

I had this one at 11.30am, knowing I would start my workout at 12. This bar is a "before-during" snack, claiming to give you an extra boost during the workout, and is meant to be eaten before or during the workout. I chose the Cherry Cranberry Twister flavour and I must admit it tastes like heaven!! Worth all the unhealthy snacks in the world! You really feel like you're indulging when your doing your body good!
On the other side, I had a lack of energy after my Mon-Tue-Wed workouts, and it didn't gave me that extra boost I needed.
So yes for the taste, yes for the price (2€), nah for the boosting effect.
Finally I got these today, as an afternoon snack.
This pack is sold 5.99€ for 4 bars and the flavor I chose is Chocolate Caramel and Hazelnuts. Well I must say I'm really surprised because this is a retailer brand and sometimes those are really not good or convincing.
Well this one does its job, is only 60gr which is much more better to eat (I hate to feel super full after eating) and has a total of 31 gr protein!!
I must say I will definitely order/buy some again !
I have still many to show and test for you not to be fooled by claims: trade and claims have a gym membership too!
Furthermore, don't hesitate to tell me what gym food, brand you want me to test and I will make a review on it!
Loads of love
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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