Chocolate roses - Black & White

Monday, dear Monday.... Could we just start each week on Tuesday instead? Just one week vacation wasn't enough for me to relax and ...

Monday, dear Monday.... Could we just start each week on Tuesday instead?

Just one week vacation wasn't enough for me to relax and it's that time of the week again we get to wake up early and seize the day! After some cleaning and while uni courses, here I am wanting to share a simple -yet delicious!-  recipe with you all. Well at least those of you who didn't know! Because winter is still around the corner, and we need some comfort food to fight despair and sadness... chocolate is all we need!

All you need is some corn flakes (kellog's would be great) and chocolate bars (the one you love the most).Here I've used cooking chocolate with hazelnuts.

1- smash the chocolate bars in pieces . Put the chocolate in a bowl then place the bowl in a water bath until the chocolate has completely melted.

2- In  second bowl, pour the corn flakes and add the melted chocolate

3- Stir until chocolate has covered every flake

4- Make little balls and put in the freezer for at least 1 hour!

5- Eat 'em all , this is simply delish and perfect for an afternoon/evening snack!

Nail varnish: "Endless Blue", Sinful Colors

I have some chocolate roses in the previous 
post if you want to check the final result!
What is your favorite recipe?
 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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