Hey my friends! I was supposed to deliver this post yesterday evening, just before NYE, but I got sick and my computer didn't want to c...

Hey my friends! I was supposed to deliver this post yesterday evening, just before NYE, but I got sick and my computer didn't want to cooperate again... But here it is! Here I've put all the pictures of what Santa got me this year! A spoiled girl ♥ and then I promise, once my throat isn't aching anymore, I will do my "2016 Résolutions" post ! Can't wait to tell you guys what I've planned for my 2016 ! We'll be Fit Kings and Queens and will get through it the best way! // Salut les amis ! J'étais sensée finir cet article hier soir avant le réveillon, mais je crois que je couvre un petit virus et mon ordinateur m'a lâchement abandonné ... Mais le voilà enfin! Je vous ai mis tous les cadeaux que j'ai reçu à Noël ! J'ai été gâtée ♥ Et puis promis, dès que je n'ai plus si mal à la gorge je vous mettrai en ligne mes "Bonnes Résolutions 2016" ! Trop hâte de vous écrire ce que je me suis prévue pour 2016! On va devenir les Rois & Reines du fitness et on va passer une super année!!
New long sleeved shirt for outdoor trainings ♥

Resistance bands (13 to 75lbs) / A suspension trainer ♥

We changed all the living room by adding simpe white cloth, cushions and groundpad

Started my "wall of hats" and got this vintage, old fashioned mannequin that I love!

The perfect pants! Freddy Wrup pants in size M ♥

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